
Buddha Quotes(180)On Life, Happiness, and Peace | GOOBAYE

You can find buddha quotes to help you remember the true meaning of life. Buddhism starts with the word Buddha. He was born in Nepal around the sixth or fifth century BC.

Buddha was a philosopher and meditator. He also served as a spiritual teacher, meditator and mendicant. Buddha is also known by Siddhartha Gautama and Siddhartha Gautama.

Buddha shared wisdom about the mind and thoughts that can help you control your entire life.

Gautam Buddha was a spiritual teacher who dedicated his life to educating others on how they can free themselves from depression, sadness, anger, fear, and live a compassionate, joyful, and fearless life.

This is one of the most popular collections of Gautam Buddha sayings and quotes that will help make your life easier.

Buddha Quotes

The water pot is filled drop by drop. The wise man gathers it all and fills himself up with good.

Attachment is the root cause of suffering.

All beings may have happy minds.

One who isn't filled with dreams and desires is safe.

Continue reading: Life Quotes

People who don't appreciate what they have will never find happiness.

Three things can't be hidden long: the sun and the moon and the truth.

Each morning, we are born again. It is what we do today that matters most.

Our thoughts shape us. We become what we think. Joy follows like a shadow that never departs when the mind is pure.

Do what you love if it's worth it.

Continue reading: Gratitude Quotes

Delight in heedfulness! Be careful with your thoughts

A good idea is one that is implemented and acted upon.

The Best Real Buddha Quotes

It's better to travel well rather than to arrive.

Your love and affection are as important to you as any other person in the universe.

Your mind is everything. You are what you think.

You can fly if you give up all your excess weight.

All compounded situations are subject to chaos. Keep at it with diligence.

You are what you've been. You are what you do now.

Peace is within you. It is not possible to find peace without it.

What you hold on to is what you lose.

It is better to live to see the rise or fall of things one day than to live to see them all the time for a hundred years.

Silence the man who is angry with love; Silence him with kindness and ill-naturedness; Silence those who are greedy with generosity; Silence those who lie with truth.

You can walk on your own if you don't have anyone to help you along the spiritual path.

Continue reading: Hope quotes

Your salvation is yours. Don't depend on others.

Don't dwell on the past or dream about the future. Instead, focus your attention on the present moment.

Buddha Quotes on Love and Life

Radiate unconditional love to the whole world.

As a mother, you love the entire world as she loves her child.

Understanding is the key to true love.

Resentful thoughts can be banished and those who feel free will find their peace.

Your purpose in life should be to discover your purpose and to give all of your heart and soul to it.

Hatred doesn't end through hatred. Hatred can be stopped by love. This is an inexorable law.

A single candle can light thousands of candles, and its life span will not be cut. Sharing happiness does not decrease its value.

Every morning, we are born again. It is what we do today that matters most.

The only true failure in life is to not be true to what one knows best.

Everything appears and disappears because of the interaction of causes and conditions. Everything exists in relation to all other things.

Only we can save ourselves. No one can or will save us. The path must be walked by us.

Health is the greatest gift. Contentment is the greatest wealth. Loyalty the best relationship.

In the midst of abundance, it is essential to live a simple and unselfish lifestyle.

One day can make a difference in a day. One day can change a person's life.

Ambition is like love. It's impatient with both delays and rivals.

Hatred doesn't end with hatred; it only ends when there is love. This is the eternal rule.

Your mind shapes your life. We become what we think. As the wheels of a cart follow their oxen, suffering follows an evil thought. Your mind shapes your life. We become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought, like a shadow that never leaves.

Gautam Buddha Quotes about Karma

You may find yourself stuck in the same place if you don't change your direction.

To achieve peace, you must be steadfast in your efforts.

Your worst enemy can do more harm than your unguarded thoughts.

Not even death can wipe out our good deeds.

A person who is true to himself and others is content in this world as well as beyond.

You would never let a meal go by without sharing your knowledge about the power and joy of giving.

Continue reading: Quotes for Home

Our whole lives would be transformed if we could see clearly the miracles of one flower.

Separation is the root of the greatest misery in the world; compassion is the true strength of the world.

Your anger will not get you punished, but it will get you punished.

Unguarded thoughts can do more harm than your own thoughts.

When action comes out of nothing it creates no karma.

You need to know what is holding you back and what can propel you forward.

Anger is the first sign that we have stopped striving to find the truth in a controversy.

You can achieve nirvana if you do not disturb yourself in any way, such as a broken bell does not vibrate. You can stop irritability.

Anger is like holding on to a hot coal, with the intention of throwing it at another person; you are the one who gets burnt.

It is important to not dwell on the past, to worry about the future or to anticipate problems. Instead, it is essential to live in the moment with wisdom and sincerity.

Buddha Quotes about Happiness, Meditation, Peace

It is up to you to decide if purity or impurity. One cannot purify the other.

Happiness is not a path: it is.

Keep your mind clear of negative thoughts.

You are what you think.

Maintaining a healthy body is a responsibility. Without it, our minds will not function well.

Continue reading: Smile Quotes

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

You can hear the universe flowing if you are still enough. It will be easy to feel its rhythm. Follow the flow. Happiness is just around the corner. Meditation is the key.

It is like carrying a weight on your mind to remember a wrong.

It will brighten your path if you light a lamp to help someone else.

Meditate. Be pure. Be quiet. Master your work. You can shine like the moon. Shine.

Generosity is a source of happiness in every stage of its manifestation. It is a joy to have the intention of being generous. Giving something is a joyous act. We also feel joy when we remember that we gave.

Happiness is when you are able to help others and your work makes a difference.

Continue reading: Quotes about Changes

Happiness follows a person who acts or speaks with a pure mind.

We aren't permanent, even though we believed we were. We aren't settled even though we thought we were. We thought we'd last forever.

I don't disagree with the world, it is me that disagrees with them.

Disciplined minds are more likely to be disobedient than those with disciplined minds.

Inspirational Buddha Quotes

Anger is letting others' mistakes make you mad.

Even if you have very little, give.

We are what we think.

People with opinions just go around bothering each other.

One word is better than a thousand empty words. It brings peace.

I don't see what is done, I see only what needs to be done.

You can just pick a flower you like. You water it every day if you love a particular flower.

Your own efforts are essential. Only the Buddhas can point you in the right direction.

Our theories about the eternal are just as valuable as the theories that a chick who has not yet broken through its shell may form of the outside world.

Only what you hold on to can be lost.

Endurance is one the most difficult disciplines. But it is to those who persevere that the ultimate victory comes.

Mind is the root of all wrongdoing. Can wrong-doing be prevented by changing the mind?

Everything we have is the result our thoughts.

You can look after yourself and others by watching out for them. You look after yourself when you are watching out for others.

He who is awake is long, he who is tired is long, and the foolish who don't know the truth are long for the day.

Without a constant and intelligent replenishment of physical strength, inner calm can't be maintained.

You are the only one who can provide sanctuary for you.

Meditation and solitude are a great way to relax. Be happy, and be yourself. You are a seeker.

We are what we think of yesterday. Our present thoughts create our future.

Let's be thankful that even though we don't know a lot, we still learned something. And if not, we didn’t get sick. So, let's all rise up and be thankful.

It is the man's mind that lures him to evil, and not his enemy or foe.

You can tell the difference between rivers in clefts or in crevices. The small ones flow loudly while the large ones are quiet. Anything that isn't full makes noise. The only thing that isn't full is the best.

To be in good health and bring happiness to your family, as well as peace to others, you must first control and discipline one's mind. A man who can control his thoughts can find Enlightenment. All wisdom and virtue will come to him.

The Best Quotes About Buddha

It is very difficult to live a normal life. It is so hard to be kind.

Who will look after us if we don't help others when they are in need?

Your ego should be loosely fitted.

There is no comparable precious jewel in the heavenly realms to one who has been Awakened.

What we think is what we are. Everything we become is a result of our thoughts. We create the world with our thoughts.

It is the greatest gift to be able to share your knowledge with others. It must be the best.

Understanding is the heartwood behind well-spoken words.

People who see the unimportant as essential and the essential as essential don't reach essential. They live in the realm of wrong intention.

The wind can't shake a solid rock, but praise and blame cannot shake the wise.

No matter how many holy words you have heard or spoken, they will not do any good if you don't act upon them.

A man who doesn't act in line with his words is like a beautiful flower that is beautiful to see but has no scent.

Always ask yourself if you are going to speak.

As the great ocean only has one taste, that of salt, so too does this teaching and disciplining have one taste: the taste for liberation.

Virtue is more persecuted by the wicked than it's loved by the good.

Rain falls equally on the righteous and the unjust. Do not be burdened by judgments, but instead rain your kindness equally upon all.

You will be able to look up and see how perfect everything really is.

Sky is one continuous sky. People create distinctions from their minds and believe them to be true.

It's better to conquer yourself than win a thousand wars. You will win the victory. It can't be taken away from you by angels, demons, heaven, hell.

Kindness should be a natural part of everyday life and not an exception.

When the ground feels to the feet, the foot feels it.

Our good deeds will not be erased by fire or wind, birth nor death.

Doubt is the most terrifying habit. Doubt separates people. It is a poison which destroys friendships and causes unpleasant relations to end.

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